Salt & Light Youth Group Meeting and Kebab Night

Event details

  • Thursday | April 29, 2022
  • 7:00 pm
  • 8701 Ridge Ave. Philadelphia, PA
Last night was a very special night! The youth enjoyed our delicious Armenian meal! Thank you again to the Selverian family. The youth enjoyed spending time with him. Our lesson was on the Armor of God and the different supernatural garments that God gives us to protect ourselves!
1.) Belt of Truth- knowing the truth helps me remain centered so I can identify a lie when I hear one.
2.) Breastplate of Righteousness- acting honestly, decently and with integrity prevents me from causing pain to myself and others.
3.) Shoes of Peace- wearing the Gospel of Peace or taking the “higher road” and choosing Christ’s peace for myself and others.
4.) Shield of Faith-to extinguish the flaming attacks of the evil one
5.) Helmet of Salvation- God’s salvation is an ongoing event that His children enjoy now and eternally. Because of the cross, the enemy no longer has a hold on me.
6.) Sword of the Spirit- the Word of God- knowing it, trusting and relying on it.
7.) Prayer- praying in all situations for myself and others
It was a blessed meeting! Below are pictures of our meeting.